The Connecticut State Board of Education believes that a high‐quality, comprehensive prekindergarten‐Grade 12 mathematics education is essential for students to become mathematically literate. To be mathematically literate, one must understand major mathematics concepts, possess computational facility and have the ability to apply these understandings to situations in daily life. Making connections between mathematics and other disciplines is a key to the appropriate application of mathematics skills and concepts to solve problems. The ability to read and write within the discipline of mathematics is an integral skill that supports mathematical understanding, reasoning and communication. Mathematically literate persons are able to make informed decisions about the world around them and have the interest and confidence to meet an increasingly quantitative, data‐rich global society’s needs and challenges.
By the end of high school, students must be prepared to think critically, compute, reason, communicate and solve problems to ensure success in life. In addition, greater numbers of students need to be prepared to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) to help support the competitiveness and economic viability of their state and nation.
The Board believes that a quality mathematics education must be part of the core curriculum for all Connecticut students to become mathematically literate. The core curriculum must be rigorous and focused on developing key mathematical concepts and skills as described in the state mathematics standards and curriculum documents. Highly qualified professionals must deliver the mathematics curriculum to the classroom’s diverse learners through effective instruction. Further, students need to be engaged in the mathematics curriculum and, as a result, view mathematics as a language that helps them to understand and organize their world.
To accomplish these goals, the Board supports a balanced approach to mathematics education, which places equal importance on conceptual understanding, computational and procedural fluency and problem solving through a variety of strategies, tools and technologies. Adequate time and appropriate resources must be provided for this specialized instruction. To use time and resources effectively, administrators, teachers and other staff members must have opportunities to participate in ongoing, job‐embedded professional development to support instruction and student engagement.
Meaningful partnerships among families, school districts, community organizations, businesses, industries and universities strengthen mathematics education. Each of these stakeholders is necessary to fulfill the Board’s vision of mathematics education as preparation for life, advanced studies and careers for all students. To sustain this collaborative effort, the Board developed “Guidelines for Policymakers,” a set of recommendations describing the roles and responsibilities for a high‐quality, comprehensive prekindergarten‐Grade 12 mathematics education program. These guidelines are outlined in a corresponding document.
The Connecticut State Board of Education, in its 2009 Position Statement on Mathematics Education, calls for a systematic approach to ensure every Connecticut student receives a high‐quality, comprehensive, prekindergarten‐Grade 12 mathematics education. The Board provides the following guidelines to support this work and the collaboration among the state’s various stakeholders.