
Nine members are elected to serve unsalaried, staggered four-year terms on the Board of Education. Following an election, Board Members are sworn in. The Board of Education elects a Chairperson and Secretary, on an annual basis in December.


The Board of Education is charged by the State of Connecticut to:

  • Set educational goals and school-related policies meeting State and Federal statutory requirements;
  • Hire and evaluate the qualified Superintendent, administrators, teachers and staff;
  • Operate and maintain school buildings and grounds; and
  • Determine and handle expenditure of monies appropriated by the Town for the support of the schools.

Public Participation

Since the Board of Education is responsible to the electorate to set policies which reflect the needs and concerns of the community, it welcomes dialogue with citizens regarding the schools and their educational programs. Each regular agenda has a section early in the meeting reserved for comments and questions. Persons wishing to address the Board must give their name and address at that time. Once the Board moves into the regular agenda, comments and questions are restricted to the specific agenda item being discussed. At any time the Chairperson may curtail public discussion. (see Bylaw 9325)

Media Coverage

Reporters from The, and The Waterford Times cover most Board of Education meetings.


All votes of the Board of Education are majority votes of those present, with proxy votes not acceptable. Five members of the Board are necessary for a quorum.

Executive Session

Under the Freedom of Information Act, the Board of Education is permitted to enter Executive Session to discuss personnel, negotiations, litigation, security or other items as permitted by law. The Board May hold an Executive Session upon a two-thirds vote.


Minutes of the Board of Education meetings are public and are filed at the Town Hall. Citizens may also request copies of minutes by contacting the Superintendent's Office at Central Office (860) 444-5852. They are also available on the website by clicking the link Agendas & Minutes.

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